Okay, so maybe it’s not quite an epidemic yet.. but you’ll feel otherwise once you’re sitting across from a 66% evasion Chansey. With VGC 18 Dallas Regionals right around the corner, let’s take a look at how you can be ready for this gimmick that you will actually lose to.
The above is exactly the situation we do not want to find ourselves in.
The core of a generic Chansey team is as follows:
Chansey is the focal point of the team, and what is going to cause problems in the late game. The entirety of the team will be setup to support Chansey, and assure that the team is able to make it through the early/mid game, and into the stage where Chansey can begin to clean up. This is done via a few tricks with its partners, and through the use of Toxic or condition spreaders.
The first goal the team will be looking to accomplish is to get off a Guard Split from either Carbink or Shuckle, depending on the team comp. When used, Guard Split averages the Defense and Special Defense stats between the user and the target. Both Shuckle and Carbink have very high stats in these departments (Shuckle: 230/230, and Carbink 150/150) which when averaged onto Chansey, partner quite well with its enormous HP pool.
To achieve this initial transfer of stats, it is necessary that your Guard Splitter does not die during turn 1. To assist with this, both Shuckle and Carbink are able to run Sturdy ability to survive an OHKO. Their inherent tankiness, along with defensive EV investment to improve Guard Split means that you won’t even necessarily have to rely on Sturdy, but it’s nice to have there.
Smeargle will often lead with Fake Out if the team is using Carbink, as it allows for Carbink to get off an easy turn 1 Trick Room. Once Trick Room has been set up, Smeargle will either switch out, or use Explosion to free up a slot in the field. Chansey will then make its way into the battle, and the 0 Speed invested Carbink will get off Guard Split to get the ball rolling.
At this point, Chansey is now quite tanky, but the real fun hasn’t even begun. Chansey will then proceed to use Minimize, Defense Curl and Soft-Boiled until it hits 66% evasion, and 6 stages of Defense off of Curl, all the while repeatedly healing off of Soft-Boiled. An Eviolite is Chansey’s item of choice, which will make it that much harder to try and KO before it has reached full-setup.
Once Chansey reaches its final form, the strategy from there on out is to poison the opponent via Toxic on Shuckle/Chansey and Baneful Bunker on Smeargle, and proceed to spam Seismic Toss as Chansey to slowly KO the entire opposing team.
At a general level, that is the entirety of the strategy. Where it gets even more difficult, the player will be looking to bring creative solutions to help accelerate/protect this game plan, and it can be tough to prepare for them all.
Mime Jr. has seen use as a team mate recently to provide Skill Swap+Soundproof protection from checks like Perish Song and Roar. Reuniclus & Alakazam also provides a similar service in Skill Swap+Magic Guard to protect Chansey from status threats.
While all of this is going on, it is very important to keep an eye on the round timer. This team will have very little trouble stalling to round time, so players must mentally prepare ahead of time, so they know the game plan and exactly how the opponent’s side is expected to play out.
This plan may sound like an absolute headache to deal with at this point. That’s fair, because it is. That said, there are some solutions to the team, that really don’t even require obscure team building.
Clear Smog
Perish Song
Knock Off
Heavy Slam
Fighting Pokemon
252+ Atk Landorus-Therian Superpower vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 412 (58.6%) – 486 (69.1%) — guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Kartana Sacred Sword vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 334 (47.5%) – 394 (56%) — 82.4% chance to 2HKO
Many More!
Yes, this article has been a frightening look into the world of Minimize Chansey, but hopefully you’ve also learned how your team already does, or can easily adapt to counter this strategy. Now that Chansey is in the spotlight after its MSS performance, teams will be prepared to tear it down at Dallas. So… don’t play it.
-Griff @ Pikalytics